Tuesday, 13 November 2007

secondly.. the trip balik kampung

we headed back to johore 3 days before the wedding. enough time for me to rest from the 7 hour drive. yea yea.. enough w/ the darah manis lecture.. somebody still gotta take the shift aight?! it was not tiring at all being baby's bridesmaids.. w/ her having a large population of a family.. i practically had to drive her around for a couple of hours.. some spa for like 3 hours..

the only labour was on the solemnisation & reception itself. it was a happy & teary occassion. as always. especially when the bride is someone u've known for a years. and went through tons of craps together. hehe. those were the days. as she sits there, listening to the vows from the groom.. i started reminisce all the things we did together when we were in uni. something, many went through when they're bestie moved to "the other side".

next thing i know.. tears were flowing. when we heard "sah".. all hell breaks lose! hee. i know my mom, her mom, her cousins & sisters were all in the same boat, outside. sigh.

this was the 1st time i saw caveman in a full baju melayu suit. it matches mine so well.. until we forgot to take pix of us. d'uhh.

the malam berinai was definitely a good one. don in traditional jawa suits, complete w/ jawa make up & hair do.. the couple indeed look like they're part of the Solo tribe. hahah! ive never seen anyone took the malam berinai as seriously as this lot. thanks to my recent trip to bukit tinggi, padang.. i have just the right baju for it.

and finally.. the reception. a burning one.. :

1. it was scorching hot. someone must've left their old baju on the roof (Old tradition. maybe if i throw something smaller than a baju, the weather would be less humid? hmm)
2. maya got burnt by the candles, ingeniously located at knee level. sorry babe.. gotta get a new kurti kurta whatever.
3. the dj was playing some ear burning music (pasangan pengantin beradu kasih .. karam di lautan what have yous music..). my cd? was only played once.. 3tracks to be exact.

almost forgot to mention.. it was so good to meet up w/ ex housemate a.k.a ibu.. yin, w/ her baby dhia. sigh. she stole baby's thunder on her wedding. hehe!

and good to see thukang amik gambar terkemuka (kipas a bit).. waq from janggut touch. hee. when i met him.. he says he's expecting his first born. tak tau nak kasik nama nikon ke canon. as i blog this.. the newborn has arrived. sigh. such a beauty! macam camera bapak die. ngehngehngeh!

all in all.. it was a good one. though baby was a bridezilla for the entire 2006... i guess i dun blame her. i just might be the next one. what goes around.. comes around. hahaha!

here's a video to sum it all up.. enjoy!

p/s : senja nan merah is their song. and being the bridesmaid, i didnt get to take pix of the nikah process itself. sorry pengantin lelaki! pastu.. kalau macam lagi banyak gambar caveman, LMK and fififlafla.. sori la ek pengantinnnnnnn... it was our day out toooooooo.. muahahahha!


Anonymous said...

warhhh... i think i felt tears... sedih.. but FINALLLY she is married.. Im so happy for them...I am amongs those have the hightest preasure too while counting the days.. and finally, everything was alhamdulillah. Sign!.. my fav kurti!
Well, at least im gonna take my short break before planning another one!!!

little miss kechik said...

yea.. i was in tears when i did it too. short break? oklah.. i give u 3 months break. hahaha! starting now. hahaha!