Monday, 28 April 2008


well.. what can i say.. the M bug is in my belly. and its here to stay. i know i really should be working. its the end of the month for God's sake. but .. aiyah.. cannot la...

1. ida dragged me to her new mushroom house & mine.. and we went lampu shopping. i end up putting a deposit on a super cool lamp&ceiling fan. see.. the ceiling fan.. looked like a lamp that looked like a flower bud. when you turn it on.. it will "bloom" into a ceiling fan. when you turn it off.. it will go back to being a bud. trust me.. it may sound very girly.. but its not. its black for god's sake! here in the photo.. is the fan in action.. woohoo! i mms it to caveman, and to my delight.. he wants it in every room *LOL*

2. syed came back from bdo with the goodies from endar. wee! nice aint it? *grin* ni bukan baju kahwin.. so leh upload.. *LOL* i especially love the white lace with the silk batik.. nice innit?? i knoww.. i know... so what r u waitin for ?? just go already!

3. day 1 of manic diet..hmm... 1/2 bowl of mee hun sup. then i remembered seeing the photos AF 1 couple who got married last weekend..rosma&khai. arghh stress aku! do u know how much weight she has lost? i dunno i've lost count! probably half of her! dah la tu.. baju nikah tu.. eee... she took my sharifah kirana idea! that fluffy sleeve??! color pun sama???! now people are gonna think I took HER idea. *yawn* oh well... i still look better... *LOL*

4. caveman's off to labuan *sob* i miss him heaps already... man i hate this vicious cycle..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the lamp! So cuteeeeeeee !! Nak jugak!!!