Saturday 14 February 2009

post wedding..

i've been YMing with fira, a bridezilla *grin* who came across my blog while planning her weddings. she reminded me of me.. cost cost cost. hee. i bet her wedding is gonna be a fab one.

as i went through our wedding pics (which, i have not reprinted.. teehee).. i think we had a beautiful wedding *kembang*

and to those who did not get the door gifts.. or the centre pieces.. hee.. sorry la e.. will try to make some soon..when hell freezes over *grin* yes.. some of the door gifts and centre were DIYed..tedious.. but satisfactory. will blog on some of the "how to.." soon.. since we've been getting a lot of request for it..

1 comment:

MY said...

Another request for the "how to's" on DIY wedding stuff!