Tuesday, 17 March 2009

baby dusts...

yes.. i know it is extremely early.. but early prayers will go far, right? just like the baby dusts..

sigh... my 0.86cm munchkin...



yaya+frdz+auf said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tumpang happy.......grin

z.a.i.n.u.r said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tgh pegang ruler, tgk 0.86cm beso mana...

little miss kechik said...

kalau ade dlm pembaris ngko.. memang hebat la jabatan kerajaan punye stationary


Anonymous said...

hahahahahha..kat ruler ade 0.8cm.pastu yg 0.06 tu imagine jelah..hahhahaha...cuba kak teh imagine baby tu mcm 'munchkin' dunkin donuts...imagine....

yaya+frdz+auf said...

lepas si hanie tu kate pasal ruler..dan dan tu gua capai ruler gak ni haa....hihihihi....

Fieran said...


little miss kechik said...

hopefully its more than 1cm.. cian aku tengok sepupu2 aku membedek ruler.. hahaha!

Anonymous said...

0.86 cm bleh picit-picit dgn ibu jari..muahahahahahhahahah

Twiggy said...

congratulations!!!!!! BIG HUGS!!! BIG HUGS!!!
whatever with the "still too early" nonsense, we feel thrilled all the same, kan? :D

Anonymous said...

Im soooooooooooo happpppppppppppppppppppppppppppyyyy for u! P/s: Been extremely busy! will talk panjangggggggggg-panjanggggggggggggggg on this. PLs take EXTRA careful!
Lov u!!!