as mons and caveman snooze away.. (yea he came back for a bit hehe).. i took the chance to update my blog and read my peeps'. then came across this entry by cousin yaya.. and got me totally furious! not a way i'd like to start my day, dah la flu & batuk..maki hamun lak tu..heheh
i mean.. come on! if you have ample breast milk.. fine. if you don't have much.. fine. it is very stressful when you don't have much but.. yela, dah macam tu kan. no matter how hard i tried..i just don't have much anymore. i am an advocate of breastfeeding.. i tell everyone to just try to breastfeed. but please don't tell me dorang ibu yang cacat just because they couldn't! my first reaction when i read this was.. c***i.
you & me both are breastfeeding moms. you know how it feels. you know how sensitive we are about anything relating to boobs. you know how sad it is when there were days when we just don't have enough (or don't have at all sometimes). how insensitive could you get by calling moms with no milk as cacat???!
i read she has apologize.. but who cares.. i don't even think she means it.
susu tu kan rezeki anak2. ibu2 yang menyusukan anaknya, setiap titik menghapuskan 1 dosa. dan ibu2 yang menyusukan anaknya dikecualikan dari berpuasa. semua tu ada dalam quran. tapi takde dalam quran yang sebut ibu yang takde susu tu cacat!
too obses pon masalah. lagipun dia baru 4bulan beb BF baby dia, first child lagi. tunggu dia beranak 7 macam arwah tok tik. tgk boleh ke tak. wa marah ni sebab dia kata camtu takkan tok kite tu cacat takde susu bagi kt ayah lu kan.
em baru 4 bulan dia menyusu awal lg..mn tau rezeki anak dia takat setahun je mcm maria ni..huhu..nak kata ape?ALLAH yg bg rezeki tu..so kena bersyukur sentiasa..
tu la. Wa pun bengang, cos mama never got to breastfeed all 4 of us cos she just don't have it. Does that make my mother cacat?? Aku tak kire la die dah mintak maap ke hape ke.. She just pissed the hell out of me. Die ingat takat baru nyusu 4 bln 1st baby makes her a susuibu panel ke? Sok takde susu sebab ramai yg menyumpah baru ada akai.
M still joining her fanpage. Ape yaya? Kami benci rodziana@nana? Hehhe
ingat dia tu hebat sgt ker??? ooo..br 1st baby rupanyer!!!ingat dah lima anak nonstop bf. Aku pun jenis susu tak byk gak! malaun tul..
malaun todi namanye tu atie.. heheheh!
za said...
owhhhhh my...owhhh my....so damn teruk la dat "statement"...sure ada ramai duk sumpah seranah dia, biar sampai kering kongtang breastmilk dia...baru dia tahu.."i pon nak join jugak la "benci rodziana@nana"! :p
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