Wednesday 2 April 2008

weekend mayhem..

huh.. some kind of cuti.. not cuti at all if you ask me.. at the end of each day i'd be sooo tired & sleepy i cant lift a finger.

but it was fab seeing caveman again. i wasn't an emotional wreck as compared to the last time he signed off. that was 8 horrible months.. this was just 3 1/2 months of mini torture. hehe. and of course this time he came back with a sweet surprise that came in the tiffany blue box. woohoo! i felt all the hard work on the wedding and the mushroom house has paid off *LOL* which, i consistently remind him.. that i will be looking forward to another blue box the next round he comes back.. cos by then a lot more work would've been done on both wedding & mushroom. smart innit? *wink* yummy mummy... samaaa laa kite punyeee...!

everywhere we went (to get stuff for the wedding), the first they ask is.. "bile langsungnye?".. to which we will both laughed, cos the dates are forever changing. but it was fun going around stressing him out.. cos he never gets to see what i've been going through running errands like mad chickens..

so, we got all the seserahan stuff ready.. and the turquoise boxes (at last!and wayyyy below budget woohoo.. thanks dee!)

plus... caveman loved the mushroom house.. and he willingly drag himself to IKEA (something he never wanna do) .. and turn on his berangan mode no 7! (mine is 10, takleh celen la kan)

but today... *yawn* back to work.....


a yummy mummy handbook said...

will someone go to russia already!!!! i want my russian dollss...

little miss kechik said...
