Wednesday, 4 February 2009


last year.. i played my bridezilla card well.. well.. at least i thought i did ok.. *LOL*

my mom (especially) was relieved after the whole fiasco was done. she thought (or so she thought) that the whole "awak bile lagi..??" phase is over. no more answering nauseating questions of when m tying the knot.. ladadidalalala...

or so she thought..

now.. (or, 2 weeks after our wedding to precise) .. its a whole new game plan. a whole new set of questions. i get the :

"dah ada isi??"
"bile lagi ni?? " (bila lagi apekejadahnye lagi??!!) *&^&#$%&#&&!!!
"gemoknya.. ada isi ke?? (ini aku paling angin sekali a if 1 year of dieting (2008) is just merely not eating.. give me a break laa!let me have my freakin carb!)

well.. i must admit.. it's not easy for some people. and i'm one of them. few years ago i was going to many, many doctors claiming extreme cramps. well, as predicted.. all of them said it would go away once i get married. totally pissed off.. but i believed a lot of my peeps (and other girls) take these advices & walk away. you know what.. don't. we never know what's happening inside (as in the case of a dear friend of mine who had exact same symptom as i did).

i finally went to an obgyn.. whom now i visit regularly.. and finally i get my diagnose. it was endometriosis. endo what on earth? malas la gua nak explain kan.. sebab dulu pun gua ade explain but it fell on deaf ears to many *LOL* so my point is.. (and i do have one) .. endometriosis, cycts, inverted uterus.. you name it.. i've been through it. i was on the pill.. danazol (where they stop your peds for 6 months.. i was practically going through mini menopause! hee).. i no longer have the painful part (insyaAllah).. but whatever that comes with endometriosis.. i still have to bear it.

one of which.. the conceiving part. as you may wonder how people get preggers like mouses & cats.. well.. that doesn't happen to some of us *LOL* so now m on clomid.. hopefully some magic happens when caveman comes back *grin* but all this nutrition & meds to get me preggers are making me festively plump.. hehe!

until then... just shut it ok?

*evil laugh*


z.a.i.n.u.r said...

Tak kawin pun orang asyik tanya (macam aku)

Dah kahwin pun orang asyik tanya jugak (macam kau)


Mom again said...

my fren had same condition but no prob havin a baby. her baby is 2 weeks after eddie!
conserve all your energy for the return of caveman!!!

little miss kechik said...

your last line sounded from a superhero tag line... like "infinity.. and beyoooonddd!!!" hehe!

yes, i have all these fat which has been conserved specifically for him.. *LOL*

Mom again said...

at least you got it. it was supposed to sound like that. u know like superman returning to homebase at louisville, that's his second hometown right apart from krypton

Mom again said...

at least you got it. it was supposed to sound like that. u know like superman returning to homebase at louisville, that's his second hometown right apart from krypton

Anonymous said...

i feel u beb..........