Friday 7 May 2010

mommies.. read on..

do you know that if you expressed some 0.5 to 20z per session.. you are normal? and 4oz is excessive? bet you didn't know that.. at least i didn't. why oh why didnt i read this article before? i wouldn't be so sad if i did. teehee.

I'm not pumping enough milk. What can I do?


lin said...

halu i am one of your silent readers...

hehehe, regarding pumping 0.5-2.0 oz per session at first i was like u..sad..can u imagine i cant fully breats fed my son coz milk is not enough.he drinks 4 oz every feeding time and mak yang muda nih ..manala tahu top up la ngan fm.dia lahir pun 4 kg..sadis time tu..and i start pump bila masuk kerja.langsung tak ade stok.memula pump bnyk tula yang dapat tapi after reading kelly's mom baru rasa lega...its actually normal....

yaya+frdz+auf said...

kak teh....thanks....

little miss kechik said...

teehee.. lin.. jangan kata mak yang muda.. mak yang tak berapa muda tapi first timer (tetap in denial haha) pun tatau pape. padahal, on the net all the time. i wonder for what la kan. haha! reading this is such a big relief kan? now we dont have to stress out so much, which will further decrease the supply.