Thursday 27 December 2007


no, no.. no "ketik taip omong apa sih hantar kepada" kind of vote (translation : type whatever send to). its a simple look & vote kind of vote. the local bridal mag is of no help to me in terms of finding the perfect baju bersanding (reception dress). i know i want something kebaya.. something short.. something simple..but what? how?

so.. i've found a few while i was googling away on my sleepless nights *LOL* and need my peeps' votes. of course.. for those who have more pix of baju bersanding that you think will rock.. do let me know..

1. this first one is called the Bohemian Wedding Dress from Chantiq Skaly - House of Kebaya. i think this is to die for (not to get votes.. LOL) but m not sure if this would cut it for me. minus the fact that i need to get back to old..old.. oldddd 45kg to fit into this. haha!

2. This one of Sazzy Falak during her reception is very, very cute. with a tiny bow & all. i saw it also at Rizalman Ibrahim's portal. its exactly the same. hei.. if it works on tiny sazzy.. m sure it wud work on me right? hehe!

3. this one is also from Rizalman Ibrahim..just a different twist of the bow. i luv the colour. also caveman's favourite colour *wink*

4. This is also from Chantiq Skaly - House of Kebaya. Very simple. Clean lines. No fuss. No trails. No tripping over. No sangkut2. heheh! oh yea.. minus the hat & veil please. that just wont fly w/ me. tak rock langsung.

5. the last one.. is from Iszal Ismail. i dunno why i like it. maybe cos of the cute buttons.. no frills mandarin collars & 3/4 sleeves..

so.. how bout it peeps?!!?? refer to the Vote box on the upper scroll bar.. and help me decide o good people of blogorama! mwahhh!


Anonymous said...
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Twiggy said...

i did my fair share of browsing when I wanted to get my wedding kebayas done. In the end I settled for my trusty tailor who did my beeaauutiful engagement kebaya! (ok, i find it beautiful la, don't know about what other ppl thought..hehehe)

little miss kechik said...

teehee..yea my trusty tailor did my engagement kebaya too. duno if she can copy this though.. i should ask.. hhheehe! takot jadik lain je.. hahaha!