Tuesday 15 January 2008

losing it..

u may have noticed ive changed the ticker counter from saving the date to chubby buddy scales. reason being, i was so frustrated the way my losing weight plan havent been working out.

m normally not vain (well not really totally la.. *lol*) & dun rely care how much i weigh. ive been having this belly since forever. but i think this time the pounds just piled a little too much & w/ my big day months away.. i will not risk it!

but the diet hasnt worked.. and working out? blergh. i cant even get out of the office walking straight!

and.. i broke my scale tonite. hehe. this is the 2nd.. no, 3rd. maybe i should redeem my credit card points.. i saw a digital scale somewhere in the list.


Unknown said...

My clothes don't fit no more so I have officially joined a gym! hahaha..

I'm Izay said...

weee!!! congrat..congrat on losing a kilo fat and u like suppose to just stand on e scale.. wonder wat more u do??? heheheh